the pussy alignment
This project explores feminist theory through an intimate, women-only workshop that reclaims feminine subjectivity by centering the body as a site of creative power. Inspired by second-wave French feminist theory, écriture féminine, Yelena's project challenges traditional male-dominated language and scientific frameworks. Écriture féminine promotes a form of writing that emerges from women's unique experiences and bodily realities, suggesting that women can resist patriarchal narratives by expressing themselves through their own bodies and perspectives. Yelena reinterprets this concept as a spiritual and embodied practice that invites women to reconnect with their "Yoni power"—a term symbolizing feminine energy and sexual autonomy. In a world where gender norms are increasingly questioned, Yelena positions this workshop as a response, aimed at deepening and affirming an essential femininity. During the workshop, participants engaged in a series of practices designed to enhance their connection to this feminine power. Through vaginal breathing exercises, they aligned their creative energies with the Yoni, entering a deeply sensual state. In this embodied, meditative condition, participants explored automatic writing and drawing to reveal the feminine consciousness within themselves, unfiltered and direct. The resulting drawings and texts—an attempt to capture the “feminine feminine”—were later exhibited as a collective artwork at Roodkapje Rot(t)terdam. Yelena’s project thus serves as a contemporary homage to feminist pioneers, integrating bodily practice and collective expression to create a space for women to reclaim their voices, identities, and histories through a renewed, embodied écriture féminine.